
4天前·ROOT翻譯:植物的一部分,根,根莖,根塊,原因/根源,(壞事的)根源,根由,原因,牙、毛髮或指甲,(毛髮、牙或指甲的)根部,詞,詞根,數學,(數學方程式 ...,TheRootisanAfricanAmerican-orientedonlinemagazine.ItwaslaunchedonJanuary28,2008,byHenryLouisGatesJr.andDonaldE.Graham.,透過會向下扎根、向上生長的食材,引領人回歸初心,活出本來的樣貌。原型原味的共融料理與味蕾激盪,人文素雅的侘寂空間與自然光影,...


4 天前 · ROOT翻譯:植物的一部分, 根,根莖,根塊, 原因/根源, (壞事的)根源,根由,原因, 牙、毛髮或指甲, (毛髮、牙或指甲的)根部, 詞, 詞根, 數學, (數學方程式 ...

The Root (magazine)

The Root is an African American-oriented online magazine. It was launched on January 28, 2008, by Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Donald E. Graham.

知初the Root Kitchen 植物系永續廚房

透過會向下扎根、向上生長的食材, 引領人回歸初心,活出本來的樣貌。 原型原味的共融料理與味蕾激盪, 人文素雅的侘寂空間與自然光影, 品嚐質樸美味又精緻豐實的 #植物性創作 ...

The Root

書名:The Root,語言:英文,ISBN:9781312384170,頁數:202,作者:Davis, Kimberly,出版日期:2021/08/29,類別:心靈養生.

Profile for The Root

The Root is a digital magazine that provides thought- provoking commentary and news from a variety of black perspectives.

The Root (TV Series 2022)

評分 7.1/10 (39) Roisaithong is an orphan girl who was adopted by Rungrorng's father, and upon his father's death was looked after by him. When Roisaithong discovered that ...

The Root (@the.root) • Instagram photos and videos provides an unflinching analysis of issues in the black community and engages diverse viewpoints that are provocative, savvy & smart.

The Root

A collection of profiles, video interviews, and essays honoring the vibrant tapestry of Black history.

The Root (@TheRoot) X

The Root is a digital magazine that provides thought-provoking commentary and news from a variety of black perspectives.